Why Recognition Fosters Success
When reading about and researching programs and incentives that help to motivate employees it is not uncommon to see recognition as being one of the top “incentive programs.” Recognition not meaning a simple “hey great job” in passing, but real recognition, and even rewards for this success. It is also important to believe that your employees want to succeed and as employers your job is to support and foster this success.
It is human nature to work harder when you know you are being appreciated and that the hard work you are doing is also being recognized and appreciated. This recognition also fosters a positive work environment that serves as motivation for employees to give their best every day.
This morning, The Brothers that just do Gutters held a recognition ceremony involving all employees. Each year as it comes to an end, The Brothers Gutters team makes sure to recognize their staff, individually and formally. Each member of each team was acknowledged with a speech that was not generic but personalized, and heart felt, and some received awards for special recognitions.
It is one thing for you as an employee to hear nice feedback during your normal workday on projects you accomplish, but it creates a whole different feeling when time is taken out of the workday to recognize everyone’s hard work extensively, and publically, and to simply say thank you for all that they do. This acknowledgment really helps to make all the hard work seem worth it, and it makes you want to work even harder to further surpass expectations. It is a fact that when you feel appreciated, you’re driven to work harder.
By creating an environment that supports your employees’ success, you’ll find you won’t need to force people to get work done or to achieve success, it’ll happen naturally. In an article written in NeuroLeadershipJournal, it is stated that social needs are managed in the brain using the same neural networks that are used to manage our primary physical survival needs and because of this, failure to have these needs met can result in as far as an experience equivalent to physical pain. When our ability to succeed is interfered with or becomes challenged, our brains are wired to react in the same manner as if survival were being threatened. Of course everyone’s reaction to threat of his or her survival can differ (fight or flight), but it’s often human nature's first response to fight.
Often, as an employee, you can tell if your boss is pleased with you but nothing can compare to actually receiving verbal reassurance. It is part of The Brothers that just do Gutters culture to treat their employees with respect and gratitude. This fosters an environment of success and hard work, as well as creating a family-like work atmosphere. In return, employees enjoy where they work, feel appreciated, want to succeed, and they also then share and practice this attitude towards each other.
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