Going Green - Tips on Earth Day

Earth Day is one recognized worldwide to demonstrate support for environmental protection and friendliness. When looking for going green tips or thinking of better protecting the environment, often times the first thought that comes to mind is recycling.

Did you know that you could recycle your old gutters?

This is a great environmentally safe way to dispose of them! Most recycling centers are more than happy to take aluminum, copper and steel. When recycling your old gutter system, it is important to make sure you are breaking down the gutters according to the instructions and guidelines of the particular recycling center you are bringing your old gutters to. There are also local pickup services for this sort of thing if transportation is not possible for you.

Most scrap yards also accept aluminum, steel and are particularly interested in copper gutters. Scrap yards will even compensate you for scrapping your gutters based on the amount of the material. View recycling basics HERE.

Sustainable Living Tips

Aside from recycling, there are a number of things you can do now in your home to start going green!

  1. Switch all your light bulbs to CFLs. CFLs produce the same amount of light as incandescent bulbs while using only a quarter of the energy.
  2. Switch as little as one appliance to energy efficient mode. The more “energy efficient” an appliance is, the less it costs to run.
  3. Being conscious of light usage. Make sure to turn lights off when you leave the room and/or are not home. Also, try to reduce light usage by leaving them off during the day and opening curtains to allow for natural light.
  4. Go paperless! Today, almost every bill you pay offers a “go paperless” option. Going paperless is not only convenient, but helps to reduce paper waste.
  5. Order reusable bags. This tip can go a long way. Just think of all those bags you use each week at the grocery store. By buying reusable bags, you are eliminating this waste and you also could be saving money. Many grocery stores offer a discount for bringing your own reusable bags!
  6. Reusable water bottle. Pretty much anything that is reusable is more environmentally friendly than disposable. By eliminating the purchasing of plastic disposable water bottles, and purchasing your own reusable water bottle, you are not only reducing waste, but saving money. All of those water bottle purchases can really add up!
  7. Collecting rain water from downspouts
  8. Make rain barrels to harvest rainwater

The above green living tips are simple, and small things that can be done as quickly as today, and what better day to start than Earth Day! Just these small changes will play a part in creating cleaner air, preserving nature and our environment, and reducing waste. If you’ve been thinking about “going green” try starting with these simple tips! The Brothers that just do Gutters recycle all scrap material and old gutters! If you don't want to take the time to look for a scrap yard or recycling facility on your own, when we tear down your old gutters we make sure to do it for you!