DIY Gutters, how hard is it really?

We already know the answer to how much work and training goes into making, pitching and installing gutters correctly. However, we were curious what others had to say about DIY gutters. When doing some research on Houzz we came across a thread with responses from actual homeowners that we believed summed up the experience of DIYing your gutter system.

A homeowner asked the question, just how difficult is it really to install your own gutters? Here are some actual responses from actual homeowners on

“I've done two sections of guttering on my house.  I'm sure you could DIY a serviceable gutter and I imagine you'd save a little money on materials, but IMO the savings wouldn't be worth the time and compromised quality.”

“It is hardly worth the aggravation or the meager savings to DIY gutters, which is why even professional builders simply hire seamless companies. The seamless contractor will make up your gutters on site out of whatever color aluminum stock you need and be completed and gone within a little over an hour.”

“Seamless = less connectors = less chance for problems and looks better”

Here are some things to consider with DIY Gutters:

  • Material costs can add up. It is not uncommon when tackling a DIY project to initially believe that something is easier than it actually is. That being said, it is important to calculate an additional “emergency” budget and leave room for error. Unfortunately, as hiccups and the need for addition materials commonly arise when DIYing.
  • Pitch. This is a huge concern and challenge with DIY gutters. Getting pitch correct is very challenging, and also extremely important. The pitch of your gutter is key to your gutter system working as it should. If the pitch is incorrect the performance of your system will be compromised.
  • Seamless is hard for a DIYer to get. When you are purchasing materials from big-box stores, seamless gutters are often not an option. The benefits are:
    • Cost saving
    • Less maintenance
    • Stronger
    • Less time consuming (a section gutter system is mitered and sealed together)
    • Easier installation
    • Less waste (measured for each home before installation)
  • Dangerous. Any DIY project that requires you get on a ladder always presents dangers. It is extremely important to take ladder warnings seriously. See our blog on common ladder mistakes for more safety tips and things to be aware of before you climb that ladder!

In Conclusion

It is often tempting to go the DIY route because it is likely to save you some money, however it is important to weigh if the small discount is worth the time, and potential aggravation of doing it yourself. Also, it is very imperative to remember just how important a correctly installed, and properly working gutter system is to your home. When gutters are not installed correctly, and/or are not working properly, puddles around the foundation of your home occur. These puddles then lead to leakage into your foundation and/or basement of your home which then leads to water damage and mold.