When you are purchasing a fixer-upper, it is not uncommon to let your home remodeling excitement about modernizing and freshening up interior elements, like that outdated kitchen and bathroom, immediately take over.
But before you begin working on the inside, it is important to first take into consideration your exterior fixes. Why, you ask? The exterior of your home is the first line of defense against protecting its interior. Imagine spending weeks, months, maybe even as much as a year on interior projects. To only later have these new additions ruined by water damage or issues stemming from an unfit exterior. Then imagine the thought of starting all over again because of this. We understand the exterior repairs may not be as glamorous or exciting as the interior updates, but they are very important.
Home renovations need to be prioritized. Here are 6 fixes that need to be made on the exterior of your home, prior to moving inside.
Replace or Update:
- Windows – Cracked or broken windows can not only lead to outside debris and water entering your home, but can also decrease security as they may be easier to break into. Cracks in windows and/or windows that are not sealed properly will also increase utility bills. This is because of drafts causing the escape of hot air in the winter, and cool air during the summer.
- Doors – Similar to windows, it is important your door is sturdy and in top shape as it is your main means of security.
- Siding – Some issues with your siding may not be visible to an unprofessional eye. It is important to have it inspected. Siding damage often happens from the inside out and any sort of damages may lead to water making its way in and later creating potential for mildew or mold.
- Roof – Your roof is your home’s first line of defense against outside debris, weather conditions and literally the protection over your head. Having your roof inspected is extremely important. This is to not only keep out exterior elements, but to protect from more serious damage like water leaks, and collapsing. Missing shingles or rotting/soft areas of your roof can be serious warning signs that your roof may need replacement. Your roof also serve to protect your home in the winter against ice damming. This can add weight from the snow buildup. Ice damming is often the result of poor attic insulation. If your attic is experiencing heat loss see the risks and fixes HERE.
Gutters & Foundation Checklist
- Gutter system – As your roof is your homes most important line of defense, your gutter system is your foundation’s. If your gutter system is in need of repair or replacement, water damage to your foundation is likely possible. Without a gutter system (designed to flow water away from your home and foundation) puddles around the foundation of your home are likely to form during big storms.
- Foundation – Your foundation is what is holding your home up and keeping it sturdy and ultimately prevent collapsing. Making sure your foundation is in great condition without water damage, rotting or the need for any repairs is key. This needs to occur before any sort of interior repairs or remodeling takes place. It is important to repair your gutter system to maintain your foundation’s condition.
Home Remodeling Advice
All of these exterior aspects are extremely important and work together to protect the interior of your home. It is important to perform inspections on all of these areas that defend against outside elements. This allows for you to maintain the integrity of your home. Are you experiencing more than on of the above issues, and wondering what to tackle first? See our blog HERE for advice on what comes first. If your gutters are in need of repair of replacement don’t hesitate to call The Brothers that just do Gutters today, before you begin remodeling inside your home! Did you know 2016 is the year for remodeling? Find out more HERE.