Krista Jones founded the Sparrow’s Nest two years after she lost a good friend to cancer. After receiving more news of friends struggling with the fight against cancer, Krista realized she wanted to do something to help. She decided to put to use her skills as a mom and as a cook.
The Sparrow’s Nest delivers home cooked meals to families who are battling cancer. Their mission is to alleviate the stress of the “burden for someone who is too sick to cook, too sick to think of what to make for dinner, too sick to shop for it and often too financially destitute to buy it. We walk in your door for a brief moment once each week, with two trays of food and give you extra precious moments to concentrate on how to get better. NOT how to take care of your family.”
Ken and his wife, Geodi as well as the rest of our Brother Gutters family are huge supporter of Sparrow’s Nest. Both Ken and Geodi know Krista personally, and support what she is trying to do.
The Sparrow’s Nest was created with the idea to "not be a disruption to the caregiver whose life has already been turned upside down, but instead to provide relief." They are a local charity right here in the Hudson Valley, with the “think local” attitude. Many members of our community are involved in giving, and supporting this cause, including Arlington High School.
On September 13th the Sparrow’s Nest will host a “Superhero 5K” at James Baird State Park in Pleasant Valley. Both Ken, and Ryan, as well as Geodi, and other members of the Brothers Gutters family will be participating in this event to further show our support for The Sparrow’s Nest and the difference they are making in peoples lives.
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